Thursday, May 15, 2014

5.15.2014: The hunter strikes again

Just as we thought things were quieting down after Misty's health scare last week, we had to deal with another sad misfortune...this time in our backyard. Jasper's biggest joy in life is to hunt...this we cannot deny. It was a curious discovery when he let out his first little howl as a puppy even before he learned to bark, and we have learned since then that he is indeed a part hound, most likely a coonhound. Over the past 10 years, he has managed to hunt down half a dozen chipmunks, couple of squirrels, couple of birds and has cornered one giant sized opossum before I frantically ran after and managed to pull him away. When he's outside, he has zero interest in anything else other than looking for things to hunt...even at dog parks. I'll never forget the day when he ran through the wooded edges of a fenced dog park and came out in the open with a proud kill in his mouth for all dogs and dog owners to see! What followed in the next several minutes is just like a scene in a movie--us chasing after him while repeatedly yelling "drop", and other dog owners looking on, some with a mild shock on their faces...perfect.

At almost 10, he has shown very little signs of slowing down, both in his speed and in his enthusiasm. We have long since accepted this unpleasant behavior of his and can only stand aside and cheer and pray for the underdogs to safely escape their fate each time we open the door to the backyard, but for today we hold yet another animal funeral...

so sorry, little chipmunk.
we made him pay his respects, but he was already looking for his next prey.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

5.7.2014: A big sigh of relief

We took Misty in for her routine annual checkup last Friday.  As well as needing her vaccinations renewed, we also wanted to check on a lump on her leg we found recently. When the doctor took a look, she raised immediate concerns and wanted to do a biopsy to rule out a malignant cancer. The other possible suspects were either a weird skin infection gone awry, or a benign tumor. We left the vet's office heavy-hearted, with Misty's leg bandaged up and with a supply of antibiotics. Although we tried to remain positive, we spent the rest of the weekend feeding our worst fears with hours of internet search.

After we returned from her vet visit, all bandaged up but in good spirits.

Well, we finally heard back late last night and thankfully the results of the biopsy show that it is a benign mass with a possible secondary infection. Words cannot express just how relieved and elated we felt! For anyone who's had a dog go through a similar situation, I'm sure you can relate.  When a dog has been with you since it was a puppy and has been every part of your life for the past 10 years, he/she really is family, no different from a child.

Both my dogs have been healthy for the most part up to this point, and it's so ironic that right after celebrating her 10th Birthday in March that we are faced with this first real health scare. I know these "incidents" will be more frequent in the future, and maybe the next time we won't be so lucky. I'm going to try hard and not think too much about the future, but instead concentrate on cherishing the time I DO have with our dogs...and yes, Happy 10! Project will go on!

Is it possible though to ever prepare one's heart for the eventuality that awaits?

"let's stay awhile..."

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy 10! Project: Fiesta!

We did our photoshoot last week in honor of Cinco de Mayo which I love to partake in the celebration as much as possible, preferably with a large margarita in my hand! Having kept up with this photo project so far, it's interesting sometimes to see one of my dogs be more photogenic with a given particular theme and become a superstar, and I have to say that this photoshoot was all about Jasper! The only thing missing from his perfect look was a mustache--I actually tried putting one with an adhesive back, but he didn't like that at all and with one lick, it was all over...oh well.

"Hola, amigo!"

Misty really liked wearing the sombrero

I had to get Jasper a kid-sized sombrero and it was perfect!

"Is it margarita time yet?"

Jasper was such a good sport wearing a blanket in 70 degree weather!

somewhere under that giant sombrero is a dog...

"You lookin' at me?"

Happy Cinco de Mayo!