Monday, August 31, 2015

8.31.2015: back from hiatus

My last blog entry was dated 4/5/2015...and today is 8/31/2015...oh, where to begin and what is one to do when falling so miserably behind?! I've been staring at my blog for the last several minutes, tapping my fingers and scratching my head, trying to figure out what I should do. Let me first start by saying that A LOT has happened during my hiatus, most significant of which was packing up our family and moving across the country. In the frenzy of selling the house, packing, making a week long drive, unpacking and slowly figuring out the new city, I had no time or luxury for anything else, let alone blogging (well...I did keep a private blog to chronicle our whole moving experience).  On multiple times, I even contemplated quitting my Flickr photography groups as I was just barely making the weekly/monthly assignment deadlines. In retrospect, I'm glad that I stuck with it.

So, I'm about 5 months behind and probably have about 2-3 dozen photos that have accumulated in that time. In my attempt to come up with a game plan, I'm realizing that there is no good way other than just tackling it head on and try to catch up as quickly as possible. So, while I'll be resuming my blogging life and posting new things from this day on, I'll also be working mad and post my backlog of stuff. To avoid losing continuity, I'll back date these to their appropriate time frame.

Finally, I have been thinking a lot lately about blogging in general and how I want to approach it going forward. There's still a lot whirling around in my head and I hope to sort everything out soon, but some of the thoughts I'm having are, whether to possibly branch out into other social platforms and whether to widen this blog to include other topics...more on that later.

it's feeling like autumn here today...

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