Friday, June 10, 2016

6.10.2016: back from hiatus...again

The last time I posted was 8 months ago on 10.2.2015. Since then, life has been throwing at us all kinds of curve balls, making our transitional year in the new city rather difficult at times. In addition to the expected adjustments following our move, we also had to deal with the stress of car troubles and house hunting, but most significantly, we had a string of health issues with our dogs and myself. Between the 2 dogs, we have made 4 separate visits to the vet between December and May, not counting their annual vaccination appointments. I'll go into the details of each dog's issues on separate posts, but for now let's just say that there was enough happening to stress us out and at times things felt quite helpless and depressing.

At this moment, some of the issues have stabilized out, and some are still ongoing, but mentally we are dealing with things a lot better. We knew that we would eventually get to this point with our aging dogs, but we still had no idea just how difficult and unnerving at times it could be. So, after 8 months of absence from blogging, I feel the need to document and share some of our reality of living with senior dogs...from growing health ailments to issues of incontinence, dementia, and difficulties in mobility and feeding, to name a few...

So, I guess this may shift the focus of this blog a bit. Initially, this blog was started to chronicle the Happy 10! Project, which was in celebration of the dogs turning 10. Now, after 2 years, it's still all about Misty and Jasper, and we'll continue to celebrate their golden years and everything that comes with it, both good and bad.

Stay tuned...

Misty: 12 years and 3 months old

Jasper: 11 years and 7 months old

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